Jouhaina Riahi

Jouhaina Riahi


Ms. Riahi is currently a post-doc researcher within the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food sciences in the University of Turin in Italy. She is focusing on her research on the strategies to improve the use efficiency of the resources, the production, and the quality of horticultural crops in soilless cultivation systems.

Previously, she got her PhD in Crop Production Sciences from the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT) in 2021. Her PhD research was about improving the quality of globe artichoke plants produced in Tunisia. She worked for three years in the Technical Center for Organic Agriculture (CTAB) as a Multiplier Coach within the project “Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in North Africa, KHNA” and as a communicator in the African continental project “KCOA”. She joined the Ecological Organic Leadership course organized by IFOAM in 2021 and she was selected for the advanced program as a Trainer of Trainers (ToT) and as an African Leader in the ecological and organic movements.